
28 Week Pregnancy Update

Well. its been a long week this week. Thursday evening started having mild contractions pretty frequently without any relief so I called my OB and off to Labor and Delivery I go. They hooked me up to the monitor and my contractions were coming pretty frequent. Everything else looked good - baby was handling the contractions very well. So I got my shot of brethine (to stop contractions - which it did) and then got to go home. The doctor sent me home on terbutaline every 6 hours to help with contractions until 32 weeks. I stayed off my feet Friday and Saturday. By Saturday afternoon the contractions had slowed down a lot even though they had not stopped completely.
Got up Sunday Morning felt pretty good (it was a great feeling to stand up without having contractions instantly) so I went to church. Half way through Sunday School the contractions started back - Got back home got back in the bed.
Called the doctor this morning and they wanted me to come in and get checked out again so they hooked me up to the machines and I was still have mild contractions so they increased my terbutaline and gave me a progesterone shot. I will stay on the shots until I have the baby and have been put on bed rest until Friday morning when I go back to get another shot. We will take it day by day at this point.
Hopefully by Friday we can get things quieted down and I will be able to go about my daily activities by this weekend.
I'm doing good - I am not concerned God is in control of everything that happens so there is no point in me worrying or getting stressed cause it doesn't do me or the baby any good!


Erin said...

Oh goodness. I will keep you and the baby in my prayers. I had the progesterone shots with Bridget. I found that if I iced the area for about 30 minutes before I got it that I didn't feel it at all. Take it easy and let me know if there is anything I can do for you!

Erin said...

Oh goodness. I will keep you and the baby in my prayers. I had the progesterone shots with Bridget. I found that if I iced the area for about 30 minutes before I got it that I didn't feel it at all. Take it easy and let me know if there is anything I can do for you!