
Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow

Well we finally got a little bit of snow - I don't think we got as much as some areas (the disadvantage of living close to the lake) but we got enough that the kids could go out and play. This was their first experience with snow and Gavin loved it. He didn't want to come inside and loved running around in the snow. There were a few times where the snow was falling so hard the pictures don't do it justice. Madison was hit or miss I don't think she is old enough yet to really understand.

Monkey Business

I took the kids to Monkey Business for the first time and Gavin had a blast. His favorite was the large slide. At the end he got brave enough to go down by himself (thank goodness I don't know how much I could have walked up those stairs). Madison was not to sure about any of it.


So this was by far the best Christmas Ever for Kyle and I - It is amazing to watch the kids and their reactions. They still didn't fully understand but next year should be a different story. Santa was good to all of us :) Gavin was really into trains this year so he asked Santa for trains and a train table. Madison still isn't real interested in anything yet but she got a baby doll and stroller. We had a great time with family over a two day period. We look forward to next year!

Madison and MiMi

Madison and her cousins Shelby and Audrey

Gavin and Pop Pop

Madison and her PigTails

Dad should never lose the remote again

Gavin and his Thomas the Train

Santa was good to Maddie

Gavin and his Train Table from Santa

Ugly Sweater Christmas Party

Our Sunday School Class had an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party and White elephant gift exchange (which are completely funny gifts only) As you will notice in the picture below Kyle gave away a picture of himself. We had the party at an Airplane Hanger and we all had a great time.

The Winners Ashley and Chad

All of us that had on Ugly Sweaters (We are missing a few in the picture)

Nicky and Tanya (Nicky was making his political statement)

Kyle and I in our Sweaters (Kyle had lights attached the the back of his that lite up)

Theres Kyle's Picture (I think he was disappointed it didn't get stolen)

How ironic :)

Saluda Shoals with the Delaney's

We went with Joey, Leslie and Carlysle to see the lights at Saluda Shoals for the the kids to ride the Cho-Cho train (which is what Gavin is into right now). We had a great time and the kids really enjoyed it. Afterwards we went to the Delaney's to exchange our gifts. I think we have a new tradition. (Thanks Les I stole the pictures from your blog since I was the bad mother without a camera).