Landon Edward
April 22, 2010
6 pounds 12 ounces
20.25 inches long

This is how we announced if it was a boy or girl (blue and pink baseballs)
God was truly looking out for us. When the doctor performed my C-Section they found that my uterus had already ruptured. Dr. Shipley said it was the largest rupture he had seen and they weren't sure how long it had been torn but figured with the size of the rupture it had been there a couple of weeks so we are very lucky that Landon survived. Recovery was very surreal for me as all the nurses were telling me how lucky I was. God was watching out for us. We feel very blessed. So needless to say no more babies for the Guyton Family.

Proud brother and sister (Madison calls him by his whole name)
It has been a long recovery and nearly 4 weeks later I am still having pain for the surgery. The kids have finally seemed to adjust well to Landon and Landon has adjusted to our loud house with 2 other little ones. Landon is a great baby, he loves to eat and eats about every 2 hours (sometimes if we are lucky we get a 3 hour stretch) but he is definitely the best sleeper so far of my 3 so hopefully in a few weeks he will be sleeping through the night (we are hoping at least).

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